This is the home page for Ben Driehuis, a Computer Games Programmer who has recently graduated from the Canberra AIE Advanced Diploma of Games course. This website is to showcase the work I have done to date to anyone who is interested.


I have wanted to work in the area of computer games programming since I can remember and
over the last two years I managed to successfully finish the Advanced Diploma in Games
course at the AIE, in programming. I really enjoy AI and general games programming and have
experience with many areas of Computer Game Development through my studies and personal
projects including AI, Game Logic, Triggers, Object and Scene Management and Physics.

My current technical demo is called Sky Haven and it is loosely based on a much more complicated game idea. Whilst I hope one day to make the demo resemble a lot more of
this game, at the moment it is a non playable, AI Space War simulation, involving two sides,
each with a different mission objective. You can see more details about this, including a
download link of both the executable and the source code by clicking the Sky Haven
button in the menu.

In my final year at the AIE, our major assignment saw me work as part of the team on Jungle Escape, a third person platform puzzle game, aimed at a young audience. This game
managed to take 2nd place at this years Indie Best Unsigned Games Competition at the
2006 Game Connect Asia Pacific, in a total field of 15 entries. This game was in development
for just 18 weeks with a peak team of 13 students (four programmers and 9 artists), with the
last half of the project just being a team of 10 students. More details about this project can be
found in the Jungle Escape area.

I have also worked in a few other projects, details which can be found in the Other Projects area.
My resume can also be viewed and downloaded, however for obvious reasons I have not
included the personal contact details of myself and my referees, however these can be obtained
upon request.